2023-03-26 16:46:39

ChatGPT 引入插件Plugins功能。

根据OpenAI官网,3月23日已经在 ChatGPT 中实现了对插件的初步支持。插件是专门为以安全为核心原则的语言模型设计的工具,可帮助 ChatGPT 访问最新信息、运行计算或使用第三方服务。第一批插件中包含了OpenAI自己开发的网络浏览器和代码解释器。并且,其开源了知识库检索插件的代码,任何开发人员都可以自行托管他们想要用来增强 ChatGPT 的信息。后续将逐步扩散插件的访问权限,优先考虑少数开发人员和 ChatGPT Plus 用户。

插件功能为ChatGPT注入新活力。应用场景丰富,打通行业壁垒。插件功能的引入让 ChatGPT 从一个单纯的“大玩具”升级为一个功能丰富的多元化平台。通过支持第三方开发者为 ChatGPT 开发丰富的插件,用户可以根据需求挑选自己喜欢的插件,实现更专业、更个性化的体验。在过去的一段时间里,ChatGPT 已经在起草和编辑内容、辅助编程和学习新知识等领域展现出了巨大的潜力。而随着插件的出现,ChatGPT 的应用场景将进一步拓展到更多行业,如金融、医疗、教育等。

插件功能促进 AI 领域的生态建设和创新。ChatGPT 引入插件 Plugins,意味着开发者将成为这个生态的重要组成部分。OpenAI 以开放的姿态邀请广大开发者加入,共同开发符合市场需求的插件,形成一个共享共赢的生态。对于整个行业来说,会有以下几点深远的影响:

1)行业生态更加丰富:激发整个行业的创新活力。越来越多的企业和开发者将投身于 AI 领域,推动行业生态的繁荣发展。

2)跨行业合作加速:促进 AI 技术与各行业的深度融合,推动各行业领域的数字化进程,提升各行业的整体竞争力。

3)竞争格局调整:随着 ChatGPT 平台功能的丰富和应用领域的拓展,竞争对手也将面临更大的压力。为了在竞争中脱颖而出,各家 AI 企业需要加大研发投入,不断创新,提升自身的竞争力。

4)消费者福利提升:消费者将获得更加丰富的功能和定制化体验。这将促使各家 AI 企业更加关注用户需求,努力提升产品质量和服务水平,从而使消费者在竞争中受益。

5)开放式创新模式成为趋势:OpenAI 通过引入插件 Plugins 功能,展现出了开放式创新的姿态。这将推动整个行业更加注重开放合作,形成共享共赢的生态,推动 AI 技术的快速发展。


软件层面主要包括自然语言处理技术:谷歌、微软、科大讯飞、三六零、拓尔思;AIGC 生成算法模型及数据集:英伟达、Meta、百度、蓝色光标、昆仑万维。算力层包括:中兴通讯、工业富联、寒武纪、新易盛、天孚通信、太辰光、光环新网、中际旭创等。边缘算力包括:美格智能、移远通信、广和通。






Altman—A new version of moore's law that could start soon: the amount of intelligence in the universe doubles every 18 months.

Brockman—Most amazing fact about Ai is that even though it's starting to feel impressive, a year from now we'll look back fondly on the AI that exists today as quaint and antiquated.


Altman—I think AI is going to be the greatest force for economic empowerment and a lot of people getting rich we have ever seen.

Altman—AI should both provide the most individual economic empowerment of any technology ever and also make it so that no one has to work who doesn't want to. It will be an astounding force multiplier.

Brockman—A decent prediction on HN: … people who have no experience in a field will suddenly be enanled to operate in that field alone. Meanwhile, people who already had experience in that field will now be even more effective and efficient.


How should AI sysytems behave, and who should decide?—Define your AI's values, within broad bounds.

Brockman—A decent prediction on HN: … In 10 years from now, mark this prediction: nearly everyone will have an AI counterpart that is trained and unique to each individual…


Brockman—Maybe one reason that classic AI safety thinking focuses so exclusively on the technical alignment problem—misuse harder to solve through theory. But for good future with AI, must do an A+ job on both alignment and societal rollout.

Altman—Regulation will be critical and will take time to figure out; Although current-generation AI tools aren't very scary, I think we are potentially not that far away from potentially scary ones.


Altman—Predictions for the three most important technological developments that will happen by 2025: … 2) AGI will feel within reach to many people industry…

Planning for AGI and beyond—A gradual transition to a world with AGI is better than a sudden one.


Sam Altman:


language models just being programmed to try to predict the next word is true, but it's not the dunk some people think it is. animals, including us, are just programmed to try to survive and reproduce, and yet amazingly complex and beautiful stuff comes from it.



A new version of moore's law that could start soon: the amount of intelligence in the universe doubles every 18 months



Planning for AGI and beyond



The adaptation to a world deeply integrated with AI tools is probably going to happen pretty quickly; The benefits (and fun!) have too much upside.


These tools will help us be more productive (can't wait to spend less time doing email!), healthier (AI medical advisors for people who can’t afford care), smarter (students using ChatGPT to learn), and more entertained (AI memes lolol).

这些工具这些工具将帮助我们提高工作效率(迫不及待地想花更少的时间处理电子邮件!),让我们更健康(为无力支付医疗费用的人提供 AI 医疗顾问),让我们更聪明(学生使用 ChatGPT 学习)和更多娱乐(AI meme)。

A transition like this is mostly good, and can happen somewhat fast—the transition from the pre-smartphone world to post-smartphone world is a recent example. but it'll be tempting to go super quickly, which is frightening—society needs time to adapt to something so big.


There will be more challenges like bias and people coming away unsettled from talking to a chatbot, even if they know what's really going on.


We think showing these tools to the world early, while still somewhat broken, is critical if we are going to have sufficient input and repeated efforts to get it right. The level of individual empowerment coming is wonderful, but not without serious challenges.


We also need enough time for our institutions to figure out what to do. Regulation will be critical and will take time to figure out; Although current-generation AI tools aren't very scary, I think we are potentially not that far away from potentially scary ones.


Having time to understand what's happening, how people want to use these tools, and how society can co-evolve is critical.



Our current thoughts on hard questions about how AI systems should behave: 1)less biased defaults, 2)lots of user customization within very broad bounds, 3) public input on bounds and defaults.

This is going to take continual iteration—and lots and lots of societal input—to get right.

To find the right balance, we will likely overcorrect several times, and find new edges in the technology.



I think AI is going to be the greatest force for economic empowerment and a lot of people getting rich we have ever seen.



There will be scary moments as we move towards AGI-level systems, and significant disruptions, but the upsides can be so amazing that it's well worth overcoming the great challenges to get there.

在我们向 AGI 级系统迈进的过程中,会有可怕的时刻和重大的中断,但好处是惊人的,因此克服巨大的挑战是非常值得的。


The most that OpenAI, or any other company, can do is to steer the AI revolution a little. This will impact all aspects of society, and will be an emgergent thing created and shaped by all of us. Much much bigger than any company.

Also, once a technological revolution starts, it cannot be stopped. But it can be directed, and we can contintually figure out how to make the new world much better.




Predictions for the three most important technological developments that will happen by 2025:

1)We will get net-gain nuclear fusion working at prototype scale

2)AGI will feel within reach to many people industry

3)Gene editing will have cured at least one major disease

对到 2025 年将发生的三项最重要技术发展的预测:


2)AGI 将在许多人的行业触手可及



AI should both provide the most individual economic empowerment of any technology ever and also make it so that no one has to work who doesn't want to. It will be an astounding force multiplier; I am excited to see how big a one-person company can get! And happy people are going to be very successful.

AI 应该既提供任何技术中最个性化的经济赋权,也可以让不想工作的人不用工作。这将是一个惊人的力量倍增器;我很期待看到一个一人公司能有多大!快乐的人会非常成功。

Ilya Sutskever—Chief Scientist & Co-Founder


Many believe that great AI advances must contain a new "idea". But it is not so: many of AI's greatest advances had the form "huh, turns out this familiar unimportant idea, when done right, is downright incredible".



A near term effect of human level AGI could be not unlike that of massive scale very high skilled immigration. (this assumes bona fide superintelligence will take an additional while which may or may not true)


Greg Brockman—President & Co-Founder


Code is much easier than people. Maybe one reason that classic AI safety thinking focuses so exclusively on the technical alignment problem—misuse harder to solve through theory. But for good future with AI, must do an A+ job on both alignment and societal rollout.

代码比人容易得多。也许经典人工智能安全思想如此专注于技术对齐问题的原因之一是更难通过理论解决滥用问题。但为了AI的美好未来,必须在对齐和社会推广方面做到 A+的水平。


Most surprising part of startups has always been how little your technology itself matters, relative to solving an actual user problem. But LLMs are so powerful that if you can get the technology working at all, you’ll soon find you've solved many problems in one go.



Most amazing fact about AI is that even though it's starting to feel impressive, a year from now we'll look back fondly on the AI that exists today as quaint and antiquated.

关于 AI 最令人惊奇的事实是,尽管它开始令人印象深刻,但一年后我们会深情地回顾今天存在的 AI,因为它古怪而过时。


Big takeaway from the GPT paradigm is that the world of text is a far more complete description of the human experience that almost anyone anticipated.

GPT 范式的一大收获是,文本世界是对几乎任何人都预料到的人类体验的更完整描述。


Prediction: 2023 will make 2022 look like a sleepy year for AI advancement & adoption.



A decent prediction on HN: "well, right now we're in the 'flip-phone'era of AI. In 10 years from now, mark this prediction:nearly everyone will have an AI counterpart that is trained and unique to each individual.""People who have no experience in a field will suddenly be enanled to operate in that field alone. Meanwhile, people who already had experience in that field will now be even more effective and efficient."


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